Kalanchoe Blossfeld is popular with many flower growers, since this plant has many advantages compared to other home flowerpots. However, even despite the unpretentiousness of Kalanchoe, you need to be able to care for it. The basics of cultivation should be dealt with even before the purchase of the plant, so as not to harm the flowerpot in the future.
Botanical description of the plant
Kalanchoe Blossfeld combines a large group of different varieties. You can meet him in natural conditions in Madagascar. The plant is classified as succulent and is quite unpretentious.
Kalanchoe of this species can grow in height to an average of 25 cm. There are also 1.5-meter specimens. Large leaves of a round or egg-shaped form grow on bare stems. On the edges of the leaves are wavy. Flowering is plentiful and long, lasting from the beginning of winter to the beginning of summer. The buds have a bright color. Usually it is yellow, white or red, but the exact shade depends on the variety.Did you know? Translated from Portuguese, "Kalanchoe" - "grass of life."
Root system | small sensitive |
Stem | bare, slightly branching |
Leaf shape | rounded, ovoid, wavy at the edges |
Leaf color | green, dark green |
Flower shape | umbrella-like |
Flower color | yellow, red, white (depending on grade) |
Healing properties
Florists Kalanchoe Blossfeld attracts not only with luxurious flowering, but also with the possibility of medicinal use. Juice extracted from leaves is used in folk medicine and cosmetology.
- The list of healing effects of the plant includes the following:
- treatment of damage to the skin and mucous membranes, including wounds, birth tears and cracks;
- removal of inflammation of the oral mucosa;
- skin hydration;
- treatment for eye inflammation;
- strengthening the protective properties of the skin during dryness and frostbite;
- use as adjunctive therapy for pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and infectious lesions;
- elimination of symptoms of allergic cough;
- cosmetic effect on the skin with formations in the form of acne and warts.
Growing conditions
Kalanchoe Blossfeld - succulent is very unpretentious. Nevertheless, his vital activity must be maintained through the establishment of a proper microclimate.
Placement and lighting
Immediately after purchase, the succulent is placed in a shaded place and gradually accustomed to the effects of bright light. After adaptation, the flowerpot should be placed in a well-lit place. As a permanent place, you can choose a windowsill, preferably located near the east or west window. It is also necessary to ensure that the direct rays of the sun do not fall on the green part. If necessary, the plant is slightly shaded.
When daylight hours become less than 12 hours, special lamps can be used. Artificial lighting will help the plant not to stop in development.
Important! If the light is too intense, burns may appear on the leaves.
Temperature mode
Kalanchoe Bossfeld refers to heat-loving plants, but do not raise the temperature too much. In summer, the optimum temperature should be +24 ... + 28 ° С, while it is better to set a constant heat level + 25 ° С.
In the winter season, the room temperature is reduced. Comfortable indicators of the thermometer during this period for succulents are +16 ... + 18 ° С.
Air humidity
Since Bossfeld’s Kalanchoe belongs to succulents, he prefers dry air. Additional hydration in the form of spraying from a spray gun or light shower does not require a flowerpot. They can be used only to clean the leaves of excess accumulated dirt.
Home Care
In order for the plant to grow actively and begin flowering, it is necessary to provide it with stable and competent care.
Soil should be moistened as it dries. From spring to autumn, during the period of active growth, the frequency should be 2 times a week. At this time, water should be watered abundantly. With the onset of winter, abundance of irrigation is reduced. The frequency of substrate wetting during this period is 1-2 times per month. It is advisable to defend and warm the water before use to room temperature. Watering needs only soil.
Important! Watering the stems can lead to rot.
Top dressing
Kalanchoe is needed to be fed only during the growth period. It is better to use complex mineral fertilizers, which should be diluted in water according to the instructions. For these purposes, both universal preparations and special remedies for cacti are suitable. The frequency of top dressing should be 1 time per month.
Pruning this plant is optional. It is possible to remove lateral processes in the middle of July, which will contribute to active flowering.
Learn also about other succulents:
Frequent transplantation of Kalanchoe Blossfeld is not needed. It is enough to repeat the procedure every 2 years. The container for transplantation should be selected small, preferably from a material that promotes good aeration. A clay pot with drainage is a good option. The soil should consist of an equal proportional mixture of sand, turf, humus and leafy soil with a small amount of peat.
The transplant process should occur according to the following algorithm:
- Moisten the succulent in an old pot.
- Put drainage in a new container.
- Get a plant with soil and move it to a new pot.
- Cover the root with a prepared substrate.
Video: Blanchfeld Kalanchoe Care Tips
Breeding methods
This plant can be propagated in two ways: by grafting and sowing seeds.
Reproduction by cuttings is carried out in the spring. To do this, cut off stems up to 7 cm long near the Kalanchoe bush. Before planting, cuttings must be dried in a dark place for 24–72 hours. Next, they need to be immersed in a slice in a substrate of sand. The container with cuttings should be left in a room with an air temperature of + 22 ... + 25 ° C. After about two weeks, the stems will take root, after which they can be transplanted into a permanent pot.
This category includes leaf propagation. This method is convenient if the Kalanchoe found a fallen leaf. It must be placed in a container filled with water or a substrate of sand. To quickly sprout the root, the container with the sheet should be covered with a transparent container, for example, a jar. Planting in the soil is possible after rooting the leaf.
Seed cultivation
Seed propagation is somewhat more time-consuming than cuttings. If such a cultivation option was chosen, it should be resorted to in March. The containers should be filled with a substrate prepared using peat and sand. It is important to moisten the soil abundantly. Seed is slightly pressed into the substrate.
Next, the container with sown seeds should be covered with a transparent material (plastic bag or jar) and placed in a place closed from light sources. It is important to ensure that the soil does not dry out and that the temperature is kept at + 18 ° C. Several times a day, crops should be opened for ventilation. When the sprouts sprout, you should wait until 3 leaves appear. After this, Kalanchoe can be transplanted to a permanent place.
Did you know? Kalanchoe Blossfeld was first described in Berlin by botanist Carl von Pöllnitz, who also collected various succulents.
Possible growing difficulties
Despite the unpretentiousness of the plant, some difficulties may arise during cultivation. Most often, they are associated with a lack of flowering, attack by pests and the development of various diseases.
Why does not bloom
Sometimes it happens that Kalanchoe Blossfeld does not bloom. The first thing to do in this case is to check the lighting level. If the plant is in a too shady place, it needs to be moved to a brighter room or moved to a window sill closer to the window. Another common reason lies in too long a light. If, when all the requirements of the plant are met, daylight hours last more than 12 hours, it must be artificially reduced. You can both cover the pot and rearrange it in another room.
Among the diseases that can affect Kalanchoe, the most common are those associated with excessive watering.
Excessive moisture causes:
- fungal infections;
- putrefactive lesions.
Kalanchoe Blossfeld rarely suffers from pests.
Nevertheless, occasionally there are cases of attacks of some of them, including:
- aphid;
- mealybug.
Kalanchoe Blossfeld is an unpretentious succulent that even beginners of floriculture can start as the first plant. With proper maintenance, the plant pleases the owners with a long and beautiful flowering.