Over the past few years, farmers in the West Georgian expanse have tried unsuccessfully to eradicate such a pest as a marble bug from their agricultural land.
However, this year, Georgian farmers, it seems, can breathe a sigh of relief - the malicious bug-raider seems to have left the fruit and nut orchards that he loved so much.
This information was shared by agricultural producers themselves as part of the news release of one of the Georgian television companies. According to farmers, work is still underway to combat the marble bug: farmers spray crops with agents that have been shown to be highly effective.
Marble bug
It is noteworthy that the frequency of spraying fruit and nut groves is carried out three or even five times a week. And this method allowed to achieve phenomenal success - according to the results of this season, Georgians expect high rates of fruit and nut yields. Especially hazelnuts.
It will not be superfluous to note that this year several thousand new participants joined the Hazelnut Producers Union. And today their number is about fifteen thousand.
The Georgian authorities are actively involved in supporting and developing the production of hazelnuts, regularly finance productive projects and facilitate mass campaigns to eradicate garden pests. Including, and a marble bug.
It is known that today Georgian gardeners are massively trained to properly fight not only with bugs, but also with fungal pests, etc.