Last week, southeast Spain suffered from heavy rains and floods. The hurricane claimed the lives of at least six people, two plantations with lettuce, broccoli and greenhouses were seriously damaged.
In the east of Almeria, in the Nijar region, 200 hectares are damaged. The area’s infrastructure has also been hit hard.
The effects of flooding in the affected region are not yet clear. Greenhouses are preserved, but they are badly damaged, as are the vegetables that are grown in them.
In Spain, this is the beginning of the season: in Nihara, the harvest of cucumbers has begun. Subsequent damage depends on the strength of the effects of cold rainwater on the roots of plants. The same applies to tomatoes that were planted last month.
In addition to a lot of rain, the greenhouses also suffered from strong winds. In Spain, more than 30 thousand hectares of greenhouses, mostly foil. Murcia and Almeria are important growing areas.
Murcia, Spain
Throughout the Almeria region, more than 1 thousand hectares of greenhouses damaged by a storm are recorded.
Almeria, Spain
In the coming days, more and more messages about the exact damage will appear. Due to the flood in Spain, about 3,500 people were forced to leave their homes.